Posted by: D. Rand | December 3, 2014

TIC is Ready for Action-Eggs are Hatching!



We received the trout eggs November 18,2014. A Big Thank you to the TU Crew!! 2 weeks later, we noticed on Dec. 1, a few eggs started to hatch before our eyes! today we noticed Lots of trout have hatched, but we had to remove 15 more eggs that were not fertile. Our chemistry for today was 7.0 for pH, .25 for ammonia, 0 for nitrite and 0 for nitrate. we did a 2 gallon water change and its 52.3 degrees.
We are happy that the chemistry is where its supposed to be and that some trout have hatched. “It is fun to be a trout helper,” says 2 students from 4S.

Victoria and Rhamsez
4th grade trout helpers


  1. What a great start! The trout team is doing a great job monitoring the water chemistry and eggs as they are hatching! We hope to be updating blog at least once a week. We would love to hear from other schools that are doing this project!

    Good luck 4th Grade Trout Team!

    Mrs. Brunette

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